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Logs from the command line


A path to a log file can be passed to beastiary via the command line. The ✅ indicates that the log was successfully added and will be available on start up.

$ beastiary data/hcv_coal.log

🐙🐁 <span style="color: #3498db;">STARTING BEASTIARY</span> 🐁🐙

Adding log files:
✅ - data/hcv_coal.log

Go to: <span style="color: green;"></span>
If prompted enter token: 8e02d06b-d30e-4a89-8476-fb22712a31b3


Multiple paths can be passed to beastiary via the command line. The ✅ indicates that each log was successfully added and will be available on start up.

$ beastiary data/hcv_coal.log data/prior.ebola.log 

🐙🐁 <span style="color: #3498db;">STARTING BEASTIARY</span> 🐁🐙

Adding log files:
✅ - data/hcv_coal.log
✅ - data/prior.ebola.log

Go to: <span style="color: green;"></span>
If prompted enter token: 8e02d06b-d30e-4a89-8476-fb22712a31b3


Bash style pattern matching can be used as short hand to specify multiple files. All matches will be available at start up.

$ beastiary data/*.log 

🐙🐁 <span style="color: #3498db;">STARTING BEASTIARY</span> 🐁🐙

Adding log files:
✅ - data/hcv_coal.log
✅ - data/prior.ebola.log

Go to: <span style="color: green;"></span>
If prompted enter token: 8e02d06b-d30e-4a89-8476-fb22712a31b3